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Bear Creek Train & Mini Golf Action Plan

Note: With the success we had implementing our COVID-19 plan into the fall we hope to only improve our operations further for the upcoming spring/summer season. We will continue this plan until change is needed, however improvements will be made as identified or recommended.

Bear Creek Train Re-Opening Plan:

  •  Bear Creek Train is committed to the safety and health of all our visitors, volunteers, and staff. Overview of Modifications:

  • To adhere to the current social distancing requirements the Bear Creek Train can support up to 40 people on site outside.

  •  We will allow 1 paying customer or family at a time entering the station.

  • Signage and floor markers to encourage physical distancing.

  • Pathway markers to encourage on-way pedestrian traffic

  • Enhanced cleanliness will be of the highest priority; there will sanitization stations at all high points of contact.

Customers, Volunteers, and STAFF are NOT to enter Bear Creek Train if they are ill or experiencing any of the symptoms listed below and will be denied entry:

  •  Fever

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Runny nose

  • Sore throat

  • Chills

  • Painful swallowing

  • Stuffy nose

  • Headache

  • Muscle or joint aches

  • Feeling unwell, fatigue or severe exhaustion

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or unexplained loss of appetite)

  • Loss of sense of smell or taste

  • Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye

  • You have been exposed to someone who has been diagnosed with or has symptoms of COVID19 in the past 14 days.

  • You or someone in your household has traveled internationally in the past 14 days.

Safety Measures for Visitors and Members:

Guests will be screened for symptoms when purchasing tickets and while entering the train. Visitors are encouraged to:


  • Pre-screen using the Province’s online screening tool before visiting.

  • Guests are strongly encouraged to purchase tickets online in advance to reduce contact and exchanges with admission staff. Emphasis on contactless payment.


On-site options are available for those who cannot. Visitors are expected to:


  • Stay home if they are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, have travelled outside Canada in the last 14 days, or have been in contact with anyone sick with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.

  • Follow public health orders and advice when visiting Bear Creek Train


Recommended to wear a mask. Masks are available upon request from a customer and or service staff member. Limited admissions social distancing/ physical contact:


  • The Customer Service Manager will be monitoring the entire Admissions area throughout the day.

  • Front admissions area has clear signage regarding safety protocols, personal responsibility of visitors, and any new information that is relevant for visitor safety.

  • Face coverings are available at Bear Creek Train entrance for staff.

  • Admission windows will have barrier and an outside-the window pay device to minimize physical contact (use of tap for debit and credit transactions).

  • No Hotdogs will be served allowed in to minimize contact.

Continued Action Plan:




• The Front Admissions Manager will be monitoring the entire Admissions area throughout the day

• Guests will be told that masks are available upon request.

There will always be an attendant to control traffic, and to enforce social distancing.

We will encourage guests to purchase tickets through online.

There will be space apart by 2 meters, for adequate social distancing.


Entry Process


• We will encourage people to pay online for their tickets through our website.

• There will be an attendant who will control access to the ticket platform and enforce social distancing between groups; lines will be painted 2 meters apart for the pay line-up.

• The line-up attendant will always have phone contact with the Front Admissions

• At each window there will be a large sign heavily encouraging customers to pay with debit or credit; cash transactions will be accepted upon request and attendants will change gloves and/or sanitize their hands with sanitization gel after each cash transaction.

• Online ticket purchase will have a separate entry line from paying tickets.


Visitor Flow


• Proper signage will be placed in all areas, especially in high volume areas.

• All decks with an entrance and exit point will remain open and unidirectional with a staff member or volunteer present to control the flow and answer questions.

• Entry and exit will be one-directional and physical distancing will be strictly enforced by staff.


Visitor Experience


• Visit with the Easter bunny and taking a picture with the bunny, arts and crafts table will be cancelled to avoid large gatherings of people; instead, we will offer a package treat bag and a to go art activity bag at the exit to take home. This will help any stalling and crowds gathering.

• The miniature train will be encouraged for online tickets to ease off the admissions table. There will be no set train times to give staff the chance to sanitize the train properly after every use and to take their time loading passengers properly. The train seats will be divided by plexi-glass and guests will only be allowed to sit next to a member of same group they arrived with. Social distancing lines will be spray-painted at the train line-up area.

• No group bookings allowed of more than 10 people.



  • Cleanliness will be of the highest priority with staff members singularly dedicated to the washrooms, and sanitization stations. They will be responsible for cleaning and controlling the flow of people in these areas.

  • There will be sanitization stations at entrance and exit.

  • Extra porta-potties will be installed. Sanitize station will be there as well.

  • Staff in all departments will be properly trained by their manager on all aspects of sanitization and keeping themselves and customers safe. Staff Safety Protocols: Health and Safety for all Bear Creek Train staff

  • Follow symptom screening protocols based on the province’s online screening tool before attending work and while at work.

  • Zero tolerance policies for workers attending work with symptoms of fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose, or difficult breathing. If a worker shows any symptoms they will be sent home immediately.

  • Workers will be encouraged to exercise their right to refuse unsafe work as per normal Bear Creek Train protocols.

  • Proper training of all sanitization will be given to all workers by their manager such as: proper cleaning, disinfecting and disposal.

  • Regular cleaning and disinfecting procedures that every worker will be required to follow in their individual workstations, in shared spaces and when using workplace tools (ex: office equipment, hand tools, etc.)

  • Separate staff rooms.


Social distancing and gathering protocols must be followed at times including personal breaks. Safety of Office and Administrative Workers In addition to the following safety protocols set in place for COVID-19, our office and administrative workers will be trained and expected to adhere to the following:


  • Single use of desk tools ( ex: debit machine, cashier till, stapler, pens, telephone, etc.)

  • Disinfect areas touched and performed regularly and thorough hand washing when touching shared surfaces such as light switches, counters, microwave etc.

  • Use PPE when and where appropriate (masks, and gloves) and follow proper use, cleaning and disposal protocols.

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